Skin Care Rituals

Skin care rituals are the best way to keep skin youthful and healthy. They are uplifting during the long, dark winter months and a wonderful way of expressing kind self-care.

A daily ritual can look something like this;

Put a few drops of an aromatherapy bath essence into a bowl or sink basin and use a wash cloth to compress the face before cleansing. Deeply inhale the aroma and take a moment to allow the compress to soften the skin. My favorite bath essences for this purpose are the Rose or Moor Lavender Bath Essences by Dr. Hauschka.

Next, apply an appropriate cleanser, gently cleansing the face before rinsing with the aromatherapy water.

Then spritz the face with a toner or rose water.

If the skin is especially dry, dehydrated or in need of balancing, apply a small amount of a nourishing mask or serum.

Last, apply your moisturizer and then sunscreen if you use one.

A weekly ritual can be a clay mask or a bath. After cleansing, steam the face for 2-10 minutes by putting hot water into a bowl and leaning over the bowl with a towel over the head. After steaming, apply a clay mask and rest quietly with the mask on for a few minutes. Moisten the clay thoroughly before removing. After a clay mask is a perfect time to do a hydrating, nourishing mask as the skin is prepared to drink the mask in deeply.

I created a post specifically about clay masking you can read it here.




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