Ayurvedic Bodywork

Ayurveda is an ancient form of health care from India. The following are traditional treatments which support health and longevity by nourishing the nervous system and promoting relaxation and detoxification.



This classic Indian massage begins with silk gloves to stimulate the lymph and gently exfoliate the skin. A deeply nourishing, rhythmic warm oil massage soothes the nerves and restores vitality. Hot towel compresses complete the service, leaving you centered and relaxed.


75 min   145


A slightly vigorous massage with warm herbal oil relaxes the muscles while helping to release toxins from deep within the tissues.


60 min   125

Marma Energy Balancing

Gentle, circular motions with warm herbal oil open the channels for the subtle energy of the body, prana, while releasing tension from the nervous system. This unique massage is restorative and balancing for health and peace of mind.


75 min 125

Ayurvedic Facial Treatment

Herb and clay facial masks and soften the skin while an Ayurvedic scalp, face, hand, and foot massage restores and revitalizes the nervous system for a state of blissful relaxation.


60 min   105